Digga DR range of augers

Digga's dedicated rock augers (DR) require constant maintenance to remain effective. The teeth must be free to rotate inside the pocket. Teeth that stop rotating will be inefficient and wear out faster causing damage to the tooth pockets and flights.

In the video below, Queensland Sales Manager Anthony Wieckmann talks to you in detail about our dedicated rock augers – the tool you need if you’re drilling into hard fracturable grounds.

Tips when drilling in rock

When drilling in rock for extended periods of time air is trapped in the hole creating an “oven”. This can cause the face of the rock to glaze over and become even harder. For this reason, you should stop drilling and allow fresh air back in the hole approximately every 5 minutes.

As you stop drilling, bring the auger to the surface and allow fresh air back down the hole. Remove any spoil from the auger and inspect the teeth and pilot for wear and that they can turn freely in their pocket.

For more information on drilling in rock click here or download our dedicated rock auger manual.

The Digga auger range

Digga manufactures a range of augers for all ground conditions. Whether you're drilling in soft earth or clay or heavy rock, Digga has the right tool so you can get the job done.

We also manufacture core barrels for extreme rock drilling. Click here for more information.

For more information check out our YouTube channel or click here.


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