Digga Tips - Servicing and Oil Change of your Digga Drive Unit

To ensure longevity and performance, it is crucial to service your Digga drive unit and change the oil in regular intervals as advised in the operator’s manual. While you might be wondering why, we have got all the answers for you.

Why is gear oil important to ensure the longevity of my drive?

Essentially, the oil in your drive unit is independent to your hydraulic system. Meaning that the oil from your machine does not lubricate your drive unit.

As a result, your auger / anchor drive requires regular oil changes to remain in perfect working condition and to avoid damage to the gears.

What happens if my auger / anchor drive is not serviced regularly?

We have tested 3 drive units in our Hydraulic Cyclic Testing Unit where 10 years of wear and tear was simulated. Oil was changed in the drives at different intervals illustrating the wear caused by neglect. 
The images below illustrate the importance of regular servicing of your auger / anchor drive and what happens if failed to do so.


This is a gear from a drive which has been serviced as per the operators manual and shows very little wear with no more than bedin wear after 10 years of simulated augering. The oil was changed after 12 months and then every 2 years thereafter as per the operators manual.



The same drive submitted to the same workload as above over 10 years, with the oil changed only once - at 5 years. While the drive unit shows no decrease in performance, the gear shows visible wear which will deteriorate quickly, leading to total failure.


This drive has never been serviced. The image shows the damage to the gear, which causes total failure of the gearbox.

When do I need to service my auger or anchor drive?

As advised in the operator’s manual, here is an overview of when to service your drive depending on your operating conditions.

When to Service Your Auger Drive Intervals

At Digga we offer ISO 320 Grade Mineral Oil in 1 litre, 2.5 litre and 5 litre containers.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at https://www.digga.com/contact.html or at 1300 784 223 for Service. 


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